An axiological perspective of education in Indian society


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
2 pages
Research Article

An axiological perspective of education in Indian society

Dr. Thomas Joseph


In this modern era education has great impact on every aspect of human life. It is an essential human virtue and without it, man is only a slave, a reasoning savage. One of the major functions of education is to humanize the humanity and is enables to develop the total personality of the person. The Kothari Commission has pointed out the vital need for inculcation of valves in education. Inculcation of proper social, moral and spiritual values in the pupils is essential to meet the challenges posed by the modern age science and technology. But, nowadays, more emphasis is unduly laid on knowledge – based and information – oriented education which takes care only of the intellectual development of the child. The present study intends to highlight the importance of value education in the present education system.

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