Ayurveda-the healthy way of living

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

Ayurveda-the healthy way of living

Dr. Rituraj Sarma


Ayurveda emphasizes on prevention of disease rather than cure of disease. For this ‘swasthavritta’ is given the prime importance in Ayurvedic treatment. Ayurveda believe that by following swasthavritta any person can maintain the healthy status and prevent the disease. Under the broad concept of swasthavritta ‘dinacharya (daily regimen) is important one. In dinacharya starting from early wakeup to the sleep the ideal schedule to maintain the health is explained. Individual healthcare is given due emphasis by laying down rules- do’s and don’ts regarding dinacharya (daily routine) right from risingfrom the bed in the morning up to falling in sleep at night in order to maintain balance of the dosha and dhatu in our body.As health in Ayurveda is defined as the state of dhatusamya (balanced condition of body elements) resulting in sukha (ease) and prasannatma (sense of wellbeing). This goal of healthy state is achieved by maintaining equilibrium state of dosha dhatu and mala for which dinacharya is the way.

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