Bacteremia e resistência a medicamentos em pacientes onco hematológicos: revisão narrativa


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Bacteremia e resistência a medicamentos em pacientes onco hematológicos: revisão narrativa

Maria Izabel Cristina Francisco Amaro, Anna Clara Silva Fonseca, Beatriz Oliveira Amaro, Wallex Da Silva Guimarães, Claudia Simone Baltazar De Oliveira Patrícia Bentes Marques, Joyce Dos Santos Freitas, Adriana Pereira Trindade, Patrícia Michelly Mendonça Viana, Fábio Costa De Vasconcelos and Laís Guimarães Souza


The respective study aims to address the issue of bacteremia and drug resistance in hematological cancer patients. The study is a narrative literature review. Neoplasms constitute a serious public health problem in Brazil as well as worldwide, aggravated in recent years due to population aging in developing countries. It can be inferred that bacteremia often complicates the treatment process in patients with neoplasms, in addition to infection in the blood negatively influences the patient's prognosis, since the initial treatment with antibiotics depends on culture tests, however, the use of antimicrobials is often prescribed even before receiving the culture results. Therefore, studies that can guide and outline strategies and measures to be applied for patient safety and an adequate prognosis are of paramount importance. The approach to the subject is not well known in the literature. Thus, it is concluded that studies and research dealing with this issue can serve as a basis for the creation of measures and the characterization of the profiles of patients affected by bacteremia and thus make the appropriate decisions for a safe and effective treatment against the infection and the neoplasm.

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