Current protocols for endodontic retreating: a systematic review


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Current protocols for endodontic retreating: a systematic review


Introduction: Endodontic retraction is a procedure performed on a tooth that received an earlier attempt at a definitive treatment that resulted in a condition requiring additional new endodontic treatment to achieve a successful outcome. The major cause of treatment failure is insufficient cleaning and inadequate obturation. Objective: was to evaluate, through a literature review, the endodontic retreatments with rotary and mechanical files, which is the best efficacy. Methods: Experimental and clinical studies were included (case reports, retrospective, prospective and randomized trials) with qualitative and quantitative analysis. The words have included "Endodontic Retreatments" and "Endodontic Treatments". Results and Conclusion: With recent technological advances in the area of endodontics, behind the literary reviews have affirmed that the system of instrumentation of the root canals with rotating files maintains the quality of the root preparation.

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