Division of perception in triplice habitants (mg ba es) on the use of solar energy as a main source of electrical supply


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

Division of perception in triplice habitants (mg ba es) on the use of solar energy as a main source of electrical supply

Macriel Souza Cantão Neres, Bruno Augusto de Rezende, Raiomara Rodrigues Linhares de Oliveira, Wanessa Soares Luiz Silva, Theresa Cristina Ricardo Soares, Sebastião Ricardo Terceiro, Carlos Henrique Wernersbach Guerra, Eugênio Maria Gomes, Deiliane Lopes de Oliveira, Jurair Rosa de Paula, Juscélio Clemente de Abreu and *Daniel Rodrigues Silva


Electrical energy, over time, has Become an essential asset in the daily lives of people, present in the routine of businessmen, ordinary citizens, housewives and workers. Currently, electricity is mostly Obtained from finite natural resources, such as coal, radioactive material, petroleum, among others. Thinking about the future and imagining the end of Them, scientists, Researchers and enthusiasts Began to look for more efficient and renewable alternatives for the energy sector, and one of the solutions found was Obtaining through photovoltaic panels popular solar or energy, but still on the days of today, this technology is little or almost nothing used in the homes of ordinary people. Through a survey to evaluate perception, as a questionnaire, applied to citizens of some cities of MG, ES and BA, it can be seen que 94. 8% of people have heard of solar energy, 42% of Which Have Obtained According to this information through television, 82% state que They are aware of the Possibility of replacing conventional energy with solar and- When asked How They Evaluated Their own knowledge on the subject, on a scale of zero to ten, the majority (77 people) Considered que They are aware That the impacts generated on the environment are lower than the current most used source in Brazil (hydroelectric plants), where 83.3% responded que They That believe such impacts are minor. Another important finding was que, 76.7% of respondents stated que They would consider the Possibility of carrying out the exchange of the conventional by system solar plant, if They Were sought by the professional in the area who Could explain the operation, cost and feasibility of the However.

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