Efficacy of salt to control leech infestation in ornamental pleco fish


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Efficacy of salt to control leech infestation in ornamental pleco fish

Rudã F. B. Santos, Mikaelle S. Neves, Natalino C. Sousa, Henrique M. Dias, Márcia V.S. Couto, Mauricio L. Martins, Claucia A. Honorato, Peterson E. G. Paixão and Rodrigo Y. Fujimoto


This study evaluated the efficacy of formalin and sodium chloride bathing to control leech in freshwater ornamental Peckoltia oligospila loricariid fish through blood parameters. This experiment was conducted by using a completely randomized design in three aspects (control, 250mg/L formalin short bath, and 15g/L NaCl short bath for 15 minutes) and four replicates. Water quality, blood parameters and glucose were evaluated. NaCl showed the best results to control parasites. There was no significant difference related to blood parameters. NaCl treatment promoted parasites control over Peckoltia oligospila without changes in hematological parameters.

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