An epidemiology based study on internet gaming: contributing factors and health impacts of internet gaming on youth


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

An epidemiology based study on internet gaming: contributing factors and health impacts of internet gaming on youth

Aprajita Singla, Parabjyot Kaur, Gurpreet Sandhu, Manoj Kumar and N. K. Goel


Background: Internet Gaming Addiction has been described as a specific subtype of Internet Addiction. Literature Review shows that up to 90% of American youngsters play video games and about 15% of them may be addicted. Grave Consequences like suicide deaths and attempts were also reported due to Internet Games. Objective: -To assess the Contributing Factors of Internet Gaming and their Physical, Psychological and Social Health Impacts on Youth Population. Study Design and Sampling Technique: Cross-sectional Study was conducted through convenient sampling. Study Period: November-March 2017-18. Study units: Students of Homeopathic Medical College, Chandigarh. Study Area: Homeopathic Medical College, Chandigarh. Data collection methods and analysis: Pre-designed questionnaire with 30 multiple choice questions was used to collect data from the participants after taking their consent. Setting and participants: The study was conducted in City beautiful i.e. Chandigarh, a modern capital city of two states of India. The sample includes undergraduates. 120 students (Population) were given Questionnaire and 98 students participated voluntarily. Results: Study shows that youngsters who are living away from family are more indulged in Internet Gaming.Escapism, Excitement, Peer Pressure and Boredom are Factors affecting Internet Gaming Indulgence. Eye Strain, Intense Emotions and Substitution of Hobbies & Sports are Impacts of Internet Gaming Indulgence. Conclusion: Internet Gaming Indulgence is more prevalent in nuclear families or children living away from family. It has strong impacts on young population affecting their health, academics and social interactions.

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