Fungal meningitis: pathophysiology associated with cryptococcus spp


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

Fungal meningitis: pathophysiology associated with cryptococcus spp

Maria Clara Oliveira Fernandes, Raquel Dutra Massad, Karla Gonçalves Godoy, Daniella Parron Ruiz de Carvalho, Jade Gomes da Costa Medeiros, Safyra Zampieron Bezerra da Silvia, Thayanne Gabryelle Moreira dos Santos, Caroline de Souza Alovisi, Thais Henrique Matheus, Narah Berthyse Barbosa, Lucca Gianny Furtado Chumacero, Cleber Queiroz Leite, Brian França dos Santos and Vanessa de Andrade Araújo


Meningitis are infections in the membranes that cover the Central Nervous System (CNS), known as leptomeninges, which are located in the subarachnoid space. Regarding fungal meningitis, there is a diverse group of causative pathogens, however this article focuses on the most common causative agent: Cryptococcus spp. Although the pathogenesis is still not fully understood, three mechanisms are able to cross the individual's blood-brain barrier, especially if the individual has a condition of immunosuppression. The methodology used is a literature review, using as a source the indexed articles, which were published between 2017 and 2022, the search descriptors chosen were: Cryptococcus, etiology, etiopathogenesis, pathophysiology and meningitis. According to the analysis of the 19 articles selected, it was noted that the infection affects differently according to the species of the fugus, for example, Cryptococcus neoformans can cause the occlusion of blood vessels and is linked to the condition of immunosuppression, while C. gatti is related to infections on immunocompetent individuals. Thus, cryptococcosis is considered the third disease caused by fungus, with the highest incidence in immunosuppressed patients, due to its neurotropism by the CNS, which can lead to severe meningitis, with rapid evolution and high mortality. Therefore, early fungal culture in case of suspected meningitis is important for choosing the best course of action, given the drug resistance of some species.

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