Gillnet selectivity to hampala barb fish hampala macrolepidota kuhl and van hasselt, 1823 in lake Kerinci, Jambi

International Journal of Development Research

Gillnet selectivity to hampala barb fish hampala macrolepidota kuhl and van hasselt, 1823 in lake Kerinci, Jambi


The use of suitable mesh size in the gill net fishery is important as it creates a possibility of protecting the fish, which has not reached the minimum legal or commercial length. For this reason, study on the gill net selectivity of mesh size of Hampala barb catch in Lake Kerinci was carried out from April to October 2013. The length data of fish samples were obtained from fishermen using various mesh sizes gill nets of 1.0 to 4.5 inches. Gillnet selectivity was analysed based on estimation of optimum length (Lm) and selection factor (SF) conducted by using two gillnets with different mesh size (Mi and Mi+1). The results reveal that selection factor value (SF) was 10.75 and a standard deviation value (S) was 3.29. The optimum length of fish in each mesh size of 1.0 inches, 1.5 inches, 1.75 inches, 2.0 inches, 2.5 inches, 3.0 inches, 3.5 inches, 4.0 inches and 4.5 inches were: 10.75 cm, 16.13 cm, 18.81 cm, 21.5 cm, 26.88 cm, 32.25 cm, 37.63 cm, 43.0 cm and 48.38 cm respectively.  Based on the selection factor value, it was found that gill nets with a mesh size of 2.0-2.5 inches was efficient gill nets to fish the Hampala barb in Lake Kerinci. For fisheries management of Hampala barb (Hampala macrolepidota) in Lake Kerinci, the utilization of gill nets with mesh sizes less than 2.0 inches should be limited.

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