Hemovigilance: the practice of the transfusional audit process in the hemopa foundation


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Hemovigilance: the practice of the transfusional audit process in the hemopa foundation

Fernanda Cordeiro dos Santos, Carla Nazaré Brito Durães, Rubenílson Caldas Valois, Georgeane Maria de Araújo, Raely Fernanda Gomes de Assis and Robson Oliveira dos Santos


This work analyzed the practice of the transfusion audit carried out by the Hemovigilance and Supervision Department of the HEMOPA Foundation. It is a descriptive, documental, retrospective, quantitative study that analyzed the monthly reports of the transfusion audits conducted between 2015 and 2017. In this period, the hemovigilance sector visited 20 health institutions in the metropolitan region of Belém, which performed 36,217 transfusions, 7.3% of which were audited and 78.8% of them presented inadequacies or nonconformities in the process. In the ambulatory of the HEMOPA Foundation, there were 4,071 transfusions, 94.3% were audited and 34.8% of these transfusions were considered nonconforming. It was found that the inadequacies are mainly related to failures in the registration of information pertaining to the transfusion. Thus, the transfusion audit process of the HEMOPA Foundation is essential for the monitoring of the practice of transfusions, by identifying the risk factors related to the procedure and thus contributing to the elaboration of prevention and control measures, stimulating the improvement of hemotherapy and favoring quality of services provided to the population.

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