Methodology for implementing a photovoltaic plant in a small food industry


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
18 pages
Research Article

Methodology for implementing a photovoltaic plant in a small food industry

Carlos Eduardo de Oliveira and Jandecy Cabral Leite


O aprender é uma arte, até Brazil needs to increase the supply of sustainable and renewable energy such as solar and wind, especially in the northern region, where it has the highest electricity tariff in the country. The region is distinguished from other regions of the country by the existence of several isolated systems, most of them of small size with low reliability and quality of services with very high costs, in view of the need for thermal generation using diesel and fuel oil, as amount represents about 92% of all the fuel planned to be used in Brazil in the generation of thermoelectric energy, indicating a fuel cost in 2021 that exceeds R$ 2 billion reais, which is largely exceeded by the transfers of resources obtained through the Fossil Fuel Consumption Account (CCC). This work aims to develop a methodology for the production of on-grid photovoltaic energy in order to be integrated into the utility grid as a reference in energy generation. It is a great alternative to reduce electricity consumption, and Brazil has the necessary conditions to take advantage of such technologies. However, this strategic action must be integrated, in order to develop society in the economic, social and environmental areas. The development of the work provided the generation of economic, technical and environmental results on the use of solar energy in regions that have high energy generation costs, in this way we train the techniques and structures to benefit, including small industries and businesses with a capture of energy resources. The general objective is to evaluate the results of the implementation of a 40 Kwp Solar Energy on-grid photovoltaic system at Empacotadora Amazonas, in order to reduce operating costs and environmental impacts.

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