Music perception of patients in the preoperative period


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Music perception of patients in the preoperative period

Patrícia Costa dos Santos da Silva, Cristiane Matos Nogueira, Lívia Ferreira Oliveira, Jéssica dos Santos, Amância Severino, Bruna Duarte and Carla Denari Giuliani


Objective: To know the music perception of patients in the preoperative period. M: this is a qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study carried out in a hospital located in the Triângulo Mineiro region with 12 patients hospitalized, using a semi-structured interview as technique. Results: based on thematic content analysis and help of the Iramute Q software, two thematic units were constructed, entitled: Mediated Relation - music as a therapeutic element and Music and the transcendental dimension. They were subdivided into classes; the sub-corpus “Mediated relation: music as a therapeutic element” was composed by Class 1 (Music as a reconnection with home); Class 4 (Music and its positive influence on the altered emotional state); Class 2 (Resignification of hospital care), and Class 3 (Joy in the hospital environment). The sub-corpus “Music and the transcendental dimension” consisted of the Class 5 (Strengthening). Conclusion: music constitutes a communication resource, a mediating element that favors dialogue and that promotes the humanization of health care.

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