Parking space management using internet of things


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Parking space management using internet of things

Carlos E. A. Cavalcante, Flávio F. Melo, Patrick Letouze, Gentil Veloso, David Prata and Humberto X. Araujo


This paper proposes the use of an IoT system as a tool to reduce the time spent searching for parking spaces. The developed system consists of a monitoring prototype, a real- time database and a smartphone application. The monitoring prototype consists of a development board, based on ESP8266 microcontroller and wireless network modules, connected to ultrasonic sensors for monitoring parking spaces. The microcontroller uploads all data to a cloud-hosted database, which lets you identify which parking spaces are available in real time through a smartphone app. By identifying parking spaces available directly from your mobile phone, you can significantly reduce the time wasted while searching for a parking space.

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