The presence of felipe tiago gomes in bahia and the creation of the movement's first center of “free gymnasiums” in the cocoa region, brazil


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

The presence of felipe tiago gomes in bahia and the creation of the movement's first center of “free gymnasiums” in the cocoa region, brazil

Daisy Laraine Moraes de Assis and Lívia Diana Rocha Magalhães


The study highlights the Cenegista Movement presence in Brazil (National Campaign of Free Schools (CNEG in Portuguese), originated from the Recife student movement of 1943, in Pernambuco), during the 1950s, and focuses on Felipe Tiago Gomes' actions, its main representative, in the process of implantation of the CNEG's first center of “Free Gymnasiums” in the State of Bahia's south, in the Cocoa Region. In this sense, the historical narrative about the “free gymnasiums” creation in the south of the state was constituted by having as reference the social and collective memory present in the sources, documents and written texts about the CNEG, taking into consideration their intersection with the history and memory of the secondary school movement in the region. Thus, the happening is interpreted as the result of an interests’ convergence between an established need in the region and the action of a thinking intellectual who is present at the place and can structure the “free gymnasiums” composition, although this process did not occur without conflicts and contradictions.

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