Public housing: Relationship between psychological aspects and quality of life


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Public housing: Relationship between psychological aspects and quality of life

Maysa Alves de Sousa, Agamenon Rodrigues Sena Neto, Thamyres da Silva Martins, Aline Santana Figueiredo, Wherveson de Araújo Ramos and Adriana Crispim de Freitas


Introduction: Quality of life reflects individuals' perceptions that their needs are being met, or that opportunities are being denied for happiness and self-realization. Regardless of your state of physical health or social and economic conditions. Objective: to analyze the influence of the psychological aspects on the quality of life of a residents living inpublic housing, contemplated by the Minha Casa, Minha Vida program. Method: Characterized as a cross-sectional, exploratory and descriptive study, with a quantitative data approach, performed in a housing complex in the city of Imperatriz. Data collection was performed from the WHOQOL-Bref application and analyzed in the Microsoft spreadsheet editor, Excel 2010, and using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 18 software. Results: Of the 283 interviewees when questioned about the use of life, 120 said that they enjoy life a lot, and when asked about as life makes sense, 43.1% of respondents scored 4 (quite), while 108 (38.2%) scored as a score. Regarding the level of concentration, 29.1% are concentrated. Regarding the level of satisfaction with himself, 46.3%) answered that they are satisfied and 22.3% very satisfied. Conclusion: The Minha Casa Minha Vida program promotes improvement of life for each resident, as it heals problems related to the dwelling, promoting an improvement of comfort and well-being, observing that the perception of the psychological domain improved, with excellent answers on the part of each beneficiary.

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