Relaxation of hydrogen to evaluate the organizational structure of pc/tio2 nanocomposites


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Relaxation of hydrogen to evaluate the organizational structure of pc/tio2 nanocomposites

Karla Andrade Quintã, Maria Inês Bruno Tavares, Elton Jorge Rodrigues, Roberto Pinto Cucinelli Neto and Pedro Paulo Merat


Time-domain nuclear magnetic resonance (TD-NMR) was used to characterize blends of polycarbonate and titanium dioxide from proton spin-lattice relaxation times, which allows analyzing the influence of nanoparticles incorporation in the polymer structure. Differences in longitudinal relaxation time (T1H) and distribution curves of the relaxation times were related to alterations in the rigidity, and consequently the homogeneity of the materials. The modifications in the pattern of domain curves indicated the influence of each processing temperature. The results demonstrated that it is possible to alter the properties of the polycarbonate by increasing titanium oxide concentration, which tends to cause its agglomeration while processing temperature directly affects the structure of the obtained materials.

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