The role of college principals in tutor motivation and professional development of tutors in the Colleges of Education in Ghana


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

The role of college principals in tutor motivation and professional development of tutors in the Colleges of Education in Ghana

Peter Ofori Atakorah


The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of College Principals in tutor motivation and professional development of tutors in the Colleges of Education in Ghana. This study was conducted in Seventh-day Adventist College of Education Agona in the Sekyere South district in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. This research adopts a pragmatic research philosophy. The descriptive research design was used for this study. A total of thirty tutors were involved in the study. This study used questionnaire as the main data collection instrument. The compilation of the field data was done using Statistical Package for Social Science [SPSS], version 20. The analyses of the findings were in the forms such as charts, graphs, frequencies, and percentages. Results of this study revealed that tutors' working conditions, feeding tutors during school hours, acknowledging tutors effort and rewarding them accordingly, principals being open, free and fair to tutors, payment of tutors’ accommodation, allowances, end of year benefits and creating a conducive working environment were the major factors which motivate tutors in the colleges of education. This study also revealed that principals play a key role in providing opportunities for tutor professional development. This study concludes that principals of colleges of education in Ghana should motivate and provide opportunity for tutor professional development.

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