The use of drones in urban constructions: literature reviw


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
9 pages
Research Article

The use of drones in urban constructions: literature reviw


This work presents how drone technology can be used in a beneficial way of monitoring urban constructions during the construction process or after the conclusion of the construction. The research had the main objective of bringing up which construction areas and activities have been studied the most using drones. The systematic literature review was chosen as a research method, to cover the lack of knowledge on the subject matter discussed in this study, between 2015 and 2020. The investigation was carried out using the systematic literature review approach. The literature review obtained a chronology of existing publications, showing through quantitative analysis, which are the trends of the use of drones in monitoring activities in construction fields. With this study, it was found that the use of drone technology is becoming increasingly common in civil construction, making verifying construction standards easier. It was concluded, that after the systematic literature review, that the use of drones is presenting an increase in the number of researches involving its use in the area of construction and post-disaster monitoring, showing that its use will be a future trend due to its ease of use, accessibility in areas unattainable by man, and low operating costs.

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